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An angel smiled down on me yesterday and I was able to bring home my buddy Stellar.  5 hours and two types of medications later…….he was knocked out and Kim, Acacia and I hauled him out of the woods on a blanket.


Kim, bless your heart for helping me……I couldn’t of done it without you.  Thank you!!


Once we got him in the Van we went straight to the Vet’s office.  We ran tests for Heartworm, intestinal parasites, etc and he was negative for everything. (That is a blessing) His low body weight was due only to starvation.  We trimmed his over grown nails and weighed him while he slept.  He weighed 99 lbs yesterday after a month of me feeding him…..can you imagine what he looked like 4 weeks ago when I first saw him? 


The Vet thought he was in remarkably good shape for what he has been thru……everyone thought he was so beautiful. 


Last night at my house, I went down stairs and looked him over really closely.  He had lots of little cuts and scrapes that I put antibiotic ointment on and I put some Vaseline on his foot pads….they are really ruff from the woods. 


The Vet thought he was about 1.5 years old by his teeth, he already has one bad tooth that the Doctor contributed to poor diet. 


He is currently sound asleep on a bed of blankets and covered with a warm blanket to keep his body temperature high enough. 


He looked at me, tried to raise his head, and stretched his legs when I came down at 3:00AM to check on him, but he is still knocked out.  That’s okay though, I guess it is the first time in a long time he has been able to sleep sound and be warm…..I put a call into the Vet’s office this morning and he is going to call me back if he is alarmed that he is still asleep.  The Vet Tech didn’t think so, with all those meds.  She thought it was normal.


I have no idea what the days following will bring, but I pray he can learn to trust again. 


While we were trying to catch him Kim said, “It is obvious he wants to be with you, he comes to the edge of the woods behind you….but he just cant bring himself to come out…”  I imagine it will take a long time to heal those wounds.   That’s okay though….I have plenty of time.


Thanks to all who said a prayer and kept us in your thought yesterday……it worked!  He’s finally home.




  1. YAY!!!!!

  2. Oh… and I think an angel smiled down on Stellar….

  3. I am sooo excited!!! Please post pictures soon, and keep us very informed!!YOU ROCK LAURA!-Tamie

  4. Thank goodness and thank you!

  5. This is great! I’ve been reading and praying for him since you first mentioned him. I’m glad you finally got a hold of him.You’ve got an amazingly huge heart. Good luck!-Mare

  6. Fantastic! Nice job, ladies.Please post photos when you can. Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Hi Laura,Congrats on your capture! I have a question for you… Where did you get that quote in the Profile for Fat Cat? Did you make that up? Please email me and let me know. I would love to use that quote, but I want to make sure I credit it to the right person. Thanks!–Ollie

  8. YAY!! I’m so happy you were able to bring Stellar home! You must post some pictures once he’s up and feeling more at home. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and best of luck getting Stellar adjusted to his new home! *hugs* ~leslie

  9. Thanksgiving will truly have an extra special meaning this year.I am so happy for Stellar. I am so happy for you. I am so happy Stellar now has a great future to look forward to. I am so happy Stellar can finally have a real restful sleep. I am so happy!!Enjoy your weekend connecting with your new boy. 🙂

  10. I think if an angel smiled down on you…..then you are the angel that smiled down on Stellar.GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad he has you.

  11. HHUMMM…she thinks to self….. maybe you should have read the comments first and not been so excited to post, and you wouldn’t have said the same thing as Darlene.Well maybe it’s just the great minds think alike theory.Any Who….again great job and congratulations.

  12. a great big toothy smileGive Stellar a big blog dork hug: ) Chris

  13. this brought tears to my eyes…and Im sure you will be sleeping a little easier knowing he is safe and warm. Thanks for a truly heartwarming lesson in compassion and perseverance. Your an incredible role model for your children. There are people in this world who live….and people who live to make a are truly the latter. Im looking forward to seeing pictures of those soulfull blue eyes with a much healthier frame…best of luck and happiness, Diane

  14. Oh this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Bless you for not giving up… and I have to agree with Dar .. both you and Stellar had angels looking out for you.Post more pics when you can.Hugs to you and your band of angels,Molly

  15. This is so great!! I’m sure you are relieved…you will have to give us some pictures soon!Kelly

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