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You folks with young kids might want to try this at home…..then again, maybe not.


When my kids were young and they would fall down and hurt a finger or toe (any body part will do) and they would come running up to me crying and say something like, “Mommy, I hurt my toe” I would say, “Go get a sharp knife.”(In a matter of fact voice….. and slowly shake my head from side to side)  They would immediately stop crying and ask “WHY?”  I would reply, “So I can cut it off and throw it on the roof” (or in the pond depending on my mood).  This automatically sends the child running away from not only you, but also any knife in the house…. And they are sure not to return for a good while.   Lol   (See how easy that is?)  Problem solved, no crying kid, no bandaging a boo-boo….just peace and quiet.


Even though my kids are ages 14-17 now, I still periodically say this when they get hurt and they either laugh or say “Mom!”… **eye roll**.(Cough* CanyousaySierah *Cough)……  (It still makes me chuckle to myself many years later, but then again I am easily amused.)






  1. haha
    I think I am funny too! 🙂
    My Dad used to say he was gonna chop off our injured limbs too…cause then it wouldn’t hurt anymore.  Or, he would pinch some other body part because the new pain would make us forget about the old pain.  So random.
    There is nothing wrong with being mildly warped!

  2. Brings back memories of my mom saying, "Let me go get the hydrogen peroxide," whenever me or my sisters exagerated our pain from a fall from the bike.  We were suddenly waaaay better.  Ouch – just remembering the sting from that stuff!
    Hey – Are you ever going update us on that guy you were supposed to go out with?  You know, spring IS here and in the air, and along with your cute new haircut, bet you’re being a little sassy… 😉

  3. Brings back memories of my mom saying, "Let me go get the hydrogen peroxide," whenever me or my sisters exagerated our pain from a fall from the bike.  We were suddenly waaaay better.  Ouch – just remembering the sting from that stuff!
    Hey – Are you ever going update us on that guy you were supposed to go out with?  You know, spring IS here and in the air, and along with your cute new haircut, bet you’re being a little sassy… 😉

  4. LOL.. that is too funny I may have to try and use it on my kids!  My youngest goes through phases where he feels the need to have bandaids placed at various places on his body where he thinks there is a boo-boo or scratch, etc… 
    I have been meaning to say that you have beautiful kids!
    oh, and thanks for the emails!  they are tooo funny.. LOL

  5. I use the similar "emergency room/shot/stitches/amputation" technique, and with my younger one, the threat of a "nap" to "relax the injury" also works.
    What I REALLY need is a "diffuser" for the biggest "baby:"
    My ex-wife.

  6. I tried it!!!  My daughter is 4, and stubbed her toe.  I looked very serious and said "better go get a sharp knife" She looked at me, horrified. "NO!" she said.  I said, "yep, we have to cut it off and put it in the refrigerator"  She looked at me for a second or two, then cracked up laughing.  Thanks for the tip!

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