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    Yes, finally photos of my big baby……Stellar!  I have about 10 more new photos so take a look inside my album!




    Say Cheese big goofy boy!


  1. What a sweet, sweet harlequin Dane. Thank-you so much for the pictures. One question~Why isn’t your couch covered in white hair? My Dane believes in sharing her hair!

  2. Laura, he’s beautiful! It looks like you have done a marvelous job of bringing him back to health too…you do have the magic touch!

  3. THERE’S the sweet boy! What beautiful eyes…

  4. Nice new pics. Does your daughter model with her tall height. Or is she just basketball? As a 6’1 female myself, people would ask me "Do you model?, do you play basketball?":-) Char

  5. Why he’s beautiful!!! He looks like he’s been pampered all his life- It’s hard to tell now that he’s been in the woods. You can tell he’s loved. Give him a kiss from me and all the other animals too. Denise 😀

  6. YIPEEEyou made my day..hes so beautiful!and that picture Laura..he looks like hes grinning!!he looks so healthy and loved..hes living the high life for sure. Actually..they all are!He is such a big ham….I just love him!

  7. He’s adorable!! I found myself smiling, when viewing his photos. The cat is gorgeous too! There is that ultimate satisfaction that YOU can make the difference in either a child or animals life. Those pics say it all. You deserve the accolades! Now take care of yourself and I hope you’ve done something about your back. :O)Marianne

  8. He’s gorgeous! Thank you for sharing him!And he’s so obviously taken with you from the way he’s looking into the camera at you.Yea!

  9. Awww…he is so cute. What pretty eyes!Kelly

  10. My first thought was, "hey! I drive a Jeep too!…I’ll go check her out!" Then I read a story about farting…eeewwwwww. But THEN I hit the paydirt and I see that I have found a fellow weird-news lover! I have been thinking about coming out of the closet with my fondness for articles about things like the woman who married a dolphin or the snake that swallowed a gator. You have inspired me to be honest with myself and admit to the world that a story about a pack of angry chihuahuas can hold my interest longer than an info-mercial for an instamatic air-matt that can hide the mother-in-law with the press of a button. It’s sad, but true. Oh, yeah…cute dog!

  11. What a beautiful, sweet boy!!

  12. Elizabeth~ The couch and the entire house IS covered with hair……I need a giant lint roller.Tanya~ Thank you…..he loves being spoiled.Beverly~ I love his eyes too.Char~ Sierah does play ball. She use to model and we are working and several of my girls modeling again…Angelmom~ He also acts like he has been pampered his entire life. He is now theeee most spoiled dog in the house. :o)Diane~ He is a total ham!Marianne~ Thank you……I love the 3 legged cat too…..thank you….yes, my back is much better.thewired1~ I think I was holding his woobie…..he does follow me around everywhere though…..even into my lil bathroom that the two of us cant fit in.Kelly~ His eyes dont photograph as beautiful as they look in person…..I love them too.Unintelligentsia~ I admit it and I am now also out of the closet…..I love strange news and always read it. Sorry to say my daughter Sierah does too! Did you ever read about the guy who caught fire during surgery? lolWaiting_4_Whats_Next~ Yes he is! :)Laura

  13. So I’m thinking a play date for Stellar and Lola and a coffee trip for us. What do you think? You can bring that picture you mentioned to SEE IF WE ARE SOMEHOW RELATED. LOLThe bread mix from that company is awesome, too. It’s so expensive, though! I hate that! "Sure, you can cook wholesome delicious meals for your family if you’re on the go, but we need to take a lot of your money, ok?" That should be their tagline!Can’t wait to see the pic, Laura! Have a great day!Kellyp.s. We are, apparently, also on the same clock. Up early and getting our blog stuff outta the way. p.p.s. Re: blog design: I love the new orange. Is it the new black?

  14. Dingle berry is a funny word to me too. I just didn’t know it was poop hanging on the hair on the butt of a dog. NO so funny anymore when i think of it.

  15. Finally!!He was definitely worth the wait. He’s adorable!Looks like a giant baby lol 😉

  16. *Manny throwing Stellar’s wobbie* Quick under the covers!!

  17. What a cutie! He almost looks like a cartoon character – he has such expressive looking eyes. Thanks for sharing the photos.Have a great weeekend!Honor

  18. What a cutie! He almost looks like a cartoon character – he has such expressive looking eyes. Thanks for sharing the photos.Have a great weeekend!Honor

  19. What a cutie! He almost looks like a cartoon character – he has such expressive looking eyes. Thanks for sharing the photos.Have a great weeekend!Honor

  20. You have a beautiful dog and man! that cat IS fat. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats. After 6 years with my rottie, last month was the first time she ever showed me a dingle berry. I feel so special! But not as special as my stepdaughter as my rottie, Trinity decided to leave it on her bed as a present. EEEWWW!

  21. LOL. LOVE the picture!And THANK YOU for the card and the picture. THat was too, too sweet.I can see he is doing very well in your love & care.hugs,Molly

  22. hi sorry it’s been a while….it’s been crazy with the wedding coming up in a week i don’t get here as often as I like…..but this lap top will be coming with us on the honeymoon so I’ll have plenty of time to catch up. I just had to stop by to see STELLAR IS BEAUTIFUL. Looking into his eyes you can see right into his soul, and what a kind one it is. Hope your back is feeling better.Sheileen

  23. He’s such a beautiful dog. He’s blessed to have a "mom" like you, and I’m sure that you feel blessed for having found him. I’m so glad that you decided to keep him, and thrilled that you shared his photo. Keep us updated on him from time to time.

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